About Us & Our Objectives
About Us & Our Objectives
Editor-in-Chief for Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis
As the current Editor-in-Chief of the journal Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis (JLP) has decided to step down after having been in function for 10 years, the Commission on Legal Pluralism is looking for a new Editor-in-Chief. This is an honorary function for at least four years that comes with both responsibilities and benefits. JLP is the journal of the Commission on Legal Pluralism. It is published by Taylor & Francis and appears three times a year.
Call for papers: The transformative power of legal pluralism?
The International conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, "The transformative power of legal pluralism? Planetary challenges in a diverse and multi-polar world", in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, will take place on 13-15 January 2025, Jakarta, Indonesia, preceded by an International Course on Legal Pluralism (8-11 January 2025).
Call for contributions: Resource struggles in the peri-urban: a legal pluralism perspective
Call for contributions to a special issue in Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis
Applications open for International Course on Legal Pluralism - adjusted deadline!
From 8-11 January 2025 the Commission on Legal Pluralism in collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia Law School will organize a course on Legal Pluralism in Jakarta, Indonesia about theories, knowledge and methodologies of legal pluralism.
4 April 2024: Keynote lecture Michael W. Yarbrough
“I Now Declare You…”: Marital Status as Legal Technology in South Africa, Past and Present