Writing course and support for early career scholars from our journal
The editors of Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis are organizing a series of online writing workshops for early career scholars with little publishing experience who intend to publish their work in Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis.
We accept a maximum of 12 participants, who:
• can be available online on October 3, 2022 and October 7, 2022, between (approx.) 09.00 and 13.00 hrs. CET;
• have a clear idea about the topic of the paper they want to write, and research material to base their paper on;
• can prepare for the first session by writing an abstract and provisional structure of their paper (more information will be provided).
Register by email to Dik Roth dik.roth@wur.nl expressing your interest and a short statement of motivation before September 1, 2022. Accepted participants will receive instructions and a short assignment to prepare for the first session.
Please note that participation in the workshop is not a guarantee to get your article published in our journal.