Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the Contributors | text |


Access to Justice and Land Disputes

in Ghana's State Courts:

The Litigants' Perspective.  [Pages 1-28]

       Richard C. Crook | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |


Urban Governance and Emergent Forms of

Legal Pluralism in Mumbai.  [Pages 29-60]

       Julia Eckert | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |


Globalization, State Law and Legal Pluralism

in Brazil.  [Pages 61-69]

       Arnaldo Moraes Godoy | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |


Relationships Between Resource Governance

and Resource Conflict:

Nepalese Experiences.  [Pages 71-100]

       Bishnu Raj Upreti | abstract | article (pdf) |

       | article (htm) |


Theorizing Formal Pluralism:

Quantification of Legal Pluralism for

Spatio-Temporal Analysis.  [Pages 101-118]

        YĆ¼ksel Sezgin | abstract | article (pdf) |

        | article (htm) |


The Hindu Succession Act:

One Law, Plural Identities.  [Pages 119-144]

        Karine Bates | abstract | article (pdf) |

        | article (htm) |


When Legal Proceduralism Confuses the

Values of Leadership:

'Official' and 'Unofficial' Law in a

Tlingit Community.  [Pages 145-160]

        Kathryn Fulton | abstract | article (pdf) |

        | article (htm) |


Community Rights and Statutory Laws:

Politics of Forest Use in Uttrakhand

Himalayas.  [Pages 161-172]

       Pampa Mukherjee | abstract | article (pdf) |  

       | article (htm) |


Book Review


Prakash Shah, Legal Pluralism in Conflict: Coping with

Cultural Diversity in Law (2005).  [Pages 173-178]

      Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |



© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 2004. ISSN 0732-9113