Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law




About the contributors | text |


Social Security in Turkish Migrant Families in the Netherlands.  [Pages 1-18]

       Anita Böcker | article (pdf) |


The Togolese Chiefs:

Caught Between Scylla and Charybdis?

[Pages 19-46]

       E.A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal

      | article (pdf) |


Self-Redress and Feud Among Moluccans in the

Netherlands.  [Pages 47-64]

       Fons Strijbosch | article (pdf) |


The Social Construction of Order and Disorder in Two South Indian Communities.  [Pages 65-102]

       S. George Vincentnathan | article (pdf) |


Colonialism and the Transformation of Islamic Law in the Northern States of Nigeria.

[Pages 103-139]

       Auwalu H. Yadudu | article (pdf) |


Book Reviews


Masaji Chiba, Legal Pluralism: Toward a General Theory Through Japanese Culture (1989).  [Pages 141-148]

       Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |


Eugene Cotran, Casebook on Kenya Customary Law (1987).  [Pages 149-153]

       Gordon R. Woodman | review (pdf) |


Sally Engle Merry, Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans (1990). 

[Pages 155-160]

       David M. Engel | review (pdf) |



© The Publishers of the Journal of Legal Pluralism and Authors, 1992. ISSN 0732-9113