Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law


NUMBER 24 / 1986






is Associate Professor in History at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Educated at the University of Ibadan, 1959-1963, and at Columbia University, 1964-1968, he began his university teaching career in 1968. He served as Minister of State for Finance and Economic Development (at both State and Federal levels), 1975-1979. He is author of The Judicial System in Southern Nigeria, 1854-1954: Law and Justice in a Dependency (London: Longman, 1977), and The Legal Profession in Nigeria, 1865-1962 (Ikeja, Lagos: Longman, 1977).


is Professor of Legal History at the University of Utrecht. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of JLP and a frequent contributor. His most recent writing on legal pluralism is “The concept of folk law in historical context; a brief outline”, pages 67-89 in K. von Benda-Beckmann and F. Strijbosch (eds.), Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands (Dordrecht: Foris, 1986). See issue 22 for further particulars.


is Professor of Sociology of Law at the Department of Sociology, Università di Torino. He studied law (Università di Torino, Italy) and sociology (Stockholmsuniversitet, Sweden), and received his Ph.D. in sociology from Umeå Universitet, Sweden. He has studied “black” labor markets within the Italian building industry (Il Mercato delle Braccia, Torino: Giappichelly, 1973) and Swedish social democracy (La Social-democrazia Svedese, Milano: Angeli, 1980). He has written a number of articles on crime, legal order and Marxian methodology and is presently carrying out research in the field of alcohol control and peasant culture.


is Chargé de Recherches at the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaire de Vaucreson (CRIV), an institute affiliated with the french Centre Nationale de Recherches Scientifique.
Trained as an economist and a statistician, he worked for 14 years at the Ministry of Justice, preparing and following up programs of research on civil justice. Since 1982 has done research on the settlement of disciplinary conflicts within firms, the legal profession, and international commercial arbitration. He is currently working on changes in the role of professionals dealing with bankruptcy, in preparation for a book on professionals and the regulation of economic activity. He has published several papers on mediation in socio-legal journals and edited an issue of Les Annales de Vaucresson on “Professionals and the reproduction of law”.


is Professor of Sociology of Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Groningen, Netherlands, and editor-in-chief of JLP. His recent publications include “The general theory of litigation - a first step” (Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 1983/2: 145—201) reprinted in the reprint-series of the Institute for Legal Studies, University of Wisconsin, SPR-13; “Recent anthropology of law in the Netherlands and its historical background”, pp.11-66 in K. von Benda-Beckmann and F. Strijbosch (eds.), Anthropology of Law in the Netherlands (Dordrecht: Foris, 1986); “Four laws of interaction in circumstances of legal pluralism: first steps towards an explanatory theory”, pp.217-227 in A.. Allott and G. Woodman (eds.), People’s Law and State Law: The Bellagio Papers (Dordrecht: Foris, 1985); and “What do Dutch Lawyers actually do in divorce cases?”, Law and Society Review 20:135-175 (1986).


is a member of the editorial advisory board of JLP. He currently holds the position of Private Docent in Sociology of Law at the University of Helsinki. He studied in New Zealand (Victoria University of Wellington), Cambridge, Helsinki and London, and received his doctorate at the London School of Economics. His research as a participant observer over a period of two years among Finnish gypsies led to publications on blood feuding and the relationship between gypsies and the police. His other research interests have been in anthropology of law generally (including research in Greenland and Japan), Maoris and Finnish immigrants in New Zealand, and the social situation of gays in Finland, with special emphasis on the social consequences of AIDS. He initiated and carried out the first mediation project in Finland and is curently writing up the evaluation of this mediation experiment. He is author of a university textbook on qualitative research methods and of numerous articles deriving from his research.


is an associate editor of JLP. She received her J.S.D. from Yale Law School in 1977; her dissertation was a socio-legal study of worker dismissal grievances in Chile. She spent four years (1974-1978) engaged in teaching and research on law and sociology of law in Africa and Latin America, under the auspices of UNESCO. She is now a researcher at the French Centre National de Recherches Scientifique and is conducting a longitudinal research on litigation patterns in trial courts in France.


is professor of law at London School of Economics. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of .JLP. His most recent book (co-authored with J.L. Comaroff) is Rules and Processes: The Cultural Logic of Dispute in an African Context (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981). He is presently working in the area of English property law and social theory. See issue 18 for further particulars.


is Maître de Conférences at the University of Paris I. He is a member of the editorial advisory board of JLP and a frequent contributor. He received his doctorate in law from the Faculty of Law (Paris) in 1970 and in ethnology from the University of Paris VII in 1972. As founding member of the Laboratoire d’anthropologie juridique de Paris, he has conducted field research in Senegal, Congo, Burkina Faso and more recently in Comoros (for FAO). He has directed two programs of legal anthropological research on french juvenile courts (La Justice des Mineurs en Region Parisienne, LAJP, 1985) and on conciliation in French tribunals. He has published on African law and anthropology of law and is co-editor of Enjeux fonciers (Karthala-ORSTOM, 1982) and Espaces Disputés en Afrique Noire, Pratiques Foncièrs Locales (Karthala, 1986). See issue 21 for further particulars.


is an associate editor of JLP and a frequent contributor. He has recently accepted an appointment (from October 1987) as Reader in European Community Law in the University of London, based at University College London. He previously taught at York University, Toronto and the University of Warwick and has held visiting appointments at Yale, Leiden, Sussex and Aix-Marseille. He received his law degree from Harvard University and the Doctorat de Spécialité from the Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. He has conducted field research in Mali, Senegal and France. His publications include Law of the Common Agricultural Policy (1985); Capitalism and Legal Change: An African Transformation (1981); and One-Party Government in Mali (1965), and numerous articles. He has co-edited The Political Economy of Law: A Third World Reader and Labour, Law and Crime in Historical Perspective. He has been a member of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Juridique de Paris since 1969. His current research interests include EC law and Third World food policy; EC legislative processes; and law and anthropology in Europe.


is Lecturer in Law at the School of Law at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He received his doctorate at London University with a dissertation on Legal Aspects of Early Buddhist Vinaya and has taught at Otago University Dunedin, before taking up his present position at Macquarie.


is an associate editor of JLP. He is Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Birmingham. He is President of the Commission on Folk Law and Legal Pluralism, and has written widely on customary law. His recent writings include: “Customary law, state law, and the double institutionalization of norms in Ghana and Nigeria”, in A. Allott and G.R. Woodman (eds.), People’s Law and State Law: the Bellagio Papers (Dordrecht: Foris, 1985), and “How state courts create customary law in Ghana and Nigeria”, in B.W. Morse and G.R. Woodman, (eds.), Indigenous Law and the State (forthcoming). See issue 21 for further particulars