NUMBER 21 / 1983
ANTONY N. ALLOTT, is professor of African Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Currently a magistrate in London, he is also editor of the Journal of African Law. In addition to The Limits of Law (reviewed in this issue), he is the author of Essays in African Law, with Special Reference to the Law of Ghana (1960), New Essays in African Law (1970), and numerous articles.
GEOFFREY MACCORMACK, is professor of jurisprudence at the University of Aberdeen. He studied law at the Universities of Sydney and Oxford, and received his D.Phil. at Oxford in 1966. He has taught law at the Universities of Oxford, Sydney, Glasgow, and, since 1968, Aberdeen. His writings have mainly been on Roman Law, but especially in recent years he has frequently written on topics which lie in the borderland between anthropology of law, legal history, Roman Law and jurisprudence. See, e.g., “Professor Gluckman’s contribution to legal theory,” Juridical Review 1976:229-248; “Procedures for the settlement of disputes in ‘simple’ societies,” Irish Jurist 11:175-188 (1976); “Anthropology and legal theory,” Juridical Review 1978:216-232; “A note on the ‘primitive’ in legal history,” Irish Jurist 13:197-201 (1978); “Anthropology and early Roman law,” Irish Jurist 14:173-187 (1979). His current research interest concerns early Chinese law.
ENGEL MERRY, is assistant professor of anthropology at Wellesley College.
She has published papers on urban social organization, ethnicity, the
articulation of legal spheres, and the management of disputes in an urban
American neighborhood. She is the author of Urban Danger: Life in a
Neighborhood of Strangers (1981).
FALK MOORE, is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of this Journal. She is professor of anthropology at Harvard University and the author of
many papers on legal anthropology, some of which are collected in her recent
book, Law as Process (1978)
ETIENNE LE ROY, is Chargé de
Recherche at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. He holds
doctorates in law and in ethnology from the University of Paris. A founding
member of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Juridique de Paris, he has conducted
research in Senegal and taught and carried out research in the République
Populaire du Congo. He has published widely on African law and is a co-editor of
Enjeux Fonciers (Karthala, 1982, in press).
FRANK A. SALAMONE, is assistant
professor of sociology at Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, N.Y.; he has
previously taught sociology and anthropology at the State University of New
York-Brockport, the University of Jos, Nigeria, and elsewhere. He received his
Ph.D. in anthropology from the State University of New York-Buffalo in 1973. He
has published numerous articles and books on the Hausa and other topics in
African anthropology and sociology. His writings on anthropology of law include,
“Continuity, change and conflict in Gbagyi law,” in S. Spitzer, ed., Research
in Law and Society (1980).
M.A. SALMAN, is a member
of the Editorial Advisory Board of this Journal. He studied law at the
University of Khartoum and at Yale University, where he received his J.S.D. in
1977. He taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of Khartoum between 1972
and 1980. Since 1981 he has been with the Legal Department of the International
Fund for Agricultural Development in Rome. His writings include “Legal
profession in the Sudan: a study of legal and professional pluralism,” in C.
Dias et al., eds., Lawyers in the Third World (Uppsala and New York:
Scandinavian Institute of African Studies and International Center for Law in
Development, 1981).
GORDON WOODMAN, is an editor of this Journal. He studied law at Cambridge University. He has been a lecturer in law at the University of Birmingham since 1976; before that, he taught law at universities in Ghana and Nigeria. He has written widely on African Law and English Law, especially on the law of property; among other things, he is the author of “The family as a corporation in Ghanaian and Nigerian law,” in vol. 11 of this Journal.