Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law


NUMBER 19 / 1981




FRANZ VON BENDA-BECKMANN, (born 1941 in Greifswald, Germany) studied law at the Universities of Munich, Lausanne and Kiel, where he graduated in 1967. In 1967-68 (11 months) he did research in Zambia and Malawi for his Dr.-iur. on Legal Pluralism in Malawi (Kiel 1970), His dissertation was published as Rechtspluralismus in Malawi (Minchen 1970; Weltforum Verlag). Between 1968 and 1972 he followed the practical legal training (Referendarsdienst) and obtained the Assessor-degree in 1972. From 1972 to 1977 he was a staff member of the Ethnological Seminar of the University of Zurich and lecturer in Legal Anthropology. In 1974-75 he did field research in West Sumatra (16 months), the results of which have been published as Property in Social Continuity (1979, The Hague: Nijhoff). Since his Habilitation in 1979 he is Privatdozent for Ethnology at the University of Zurich. Since 1978 he has been Senior Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Leiden and Director of the Dutch Research Center for Law in South East Asia and the Caribbean. Besides his two books, he has published several articles on African and Indonesian law and aspects of methodological and theoretical problems of legal anthropology. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of this Journal.


KEEBET VON BENDA-BECKMANN, (born 1946 in the Hague) studied law at the University of Amsterdam, where she graduated in 1972. In 1973-74 she was a staff member of the Law Faculty of the University of Zürich in the department of Legal Sociology. In 1974-75 she did field research in West Sumatra on dispute processing in state courts and village institutions. In 1977-79 she lectured on non-western law at the Agricultural University in Wageningen. Since 1980 she has been research officer at the Dutch Research Center on Law in South East Asia and the Caribbean. She has published articles on law in Indonesia and Minangkabau in particular and is currently preparing her dissertation on Dispute Processing in Minangkabau State Courts and Village Institutions.


MARC GALANTER, Professor Law and of South Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Born: Philadelphia, 1931. B.A., M.A., J.D., University of Chicago. Editor of the Law & Society Review, 1973-76. He has written extensively about the development of the modern Indian legal system and the relation of law to caste and religion in India. A book entitled Competing Egualities: The Indian Experience with Compensatory Discrimination is scheduled to be published by the University of California Press later this year. The present paper is one of a series on litigation, lawyers, and courts in American society beginning with “Why the ‘Haves’ Come Out Ahead: Speculations on the Limits of Legal Change,” 9 Law & Society Review 95 (1974). His current interests include research on the settlement of civil cases and the changing role of the judge, on the impact of large- scale lawyering, and on the development of innovative styles of delivering legal services in the Indian setting. He is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of this Journal.


BARBARA HUBER, (born 1935 in Germany) studied law at the Universities of Munich, Berlin and Freiburg, where she graduated in 1959. In 1961 she obtained her Dr. -iur. degree (Freiburg) with a dissertation on attempt in German and Anglo-American Criminal Law. Between 1960 and 1964 she followed the practical legal training (Referendarsdienst) and obtained her Assessor-degree in 1964. She is currently Senior Research Officer at the Max Planck Institute of Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg, West Germany, where her main subject is British Criminal Law and Procedure. She has published and co-authored several publications on topics of English substantive criminal law, criminal procedure and on the administration of criminal justice in Nigeria, as well as bibliographies concerning criminal law in Great Britain and other common law countries.


CARL-BERND KAEHLIG, (born 1951 in Hanover) studied law at the University of Hamburg, where he graduated in 1976. Between 1976 and 1980 he followed the practical legal training (Referendarsdienst). During this period he was attached to the German Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok for half a year in 1978. He obtained his Assessor-degree in 1980 (Hamburg). Since 1980 he has been engaged in research on Indonesian commercial law with a scholarship of the Volkswagen Stiftung. He has carried out historical research in Leiden and hopes to begin his field research in Indonesia in the summer of 1981.


LEOPOLD POSPISIL, was born in Olornouc, Czechoslovakia in 1923. He received his law degree from Charles University, Prague, in 1948, and thereafter did graduate work in sociology and anthropology in the United States, receiving his Ph.D. in anthropology from Yale University in 1956. He has been associated with the Department of Anthropology of Yale University since 1960 and is now Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Anthropology Division of Yale’s Peabody Museum. His primary field research has been among the Kapauku Papuans of New Guinea and among Tirolean peasants. His main theoretical interests are in law and social control, political structure, social structure, formal and quantitative analysis, and economic anthropology. He has published many articles and books, including Kapauku Papuans and Their Law (New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1964) and Anthropology of Law (New York: Harper F Row, 1971).


SIMON ROBERTS is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of this Journal and has been a frequent contributor to it. See no. 18 for fuller particulars.


PETER J.K. SKALNIK, (born 1945, Prague) studied African studies, anthropology and sociology in Prague and Leningrad from 1962 to 1972, receiving his M.A. from Leningrad State University in 1967 and his Ph.D. from Charles University in 1968. His CSc. dissertation on “Dynamics of Early State Development in the Voltaic Area” was presented to Charles University in 1973, but political circumstances prevented him from receiving the degree. He has been Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Non-Western Peoples at the University of Leiden since 1977. Between 1967 and 1976 he carried out intermittent fieldwork in European mountain communities. Since 1978 he has been carrying out intermittent fieldwork in the Nanumba District of Ghana, in preparation for a major field research project there on the relationship between traditional and state political authority in the development of the early state, with special attention to the Volta basin area. He is co-editor (with H.J.M. Claessen) of The Early State (1978, the Hague: Mouton) and The Study of the State (1981, the Hague: Mouton).


FRANK SNYDER, is a graduate of Yale University (B.A., 1964), Harvard Law School (J.D., 1968), and the Université de Paris I [Panthéon-Sorbonne] (Doctorat de Spécialité, 1973). He has conducted field research in Mali and Senegal and is the author of One-Party Government in Mali (Yale University Press, 1965), Law and Population in Senegal (with M.-A. Savané) (1978), and Capitalism and Legal Change: Transformation of an African Social Formation (Academic Press, forthcoming 1980). A member of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Juridique in Paris since 1969, he has been a Fellow in the Yale Law School Program in Law and Modernization (1970-71) and a Visiting Fellow at the Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden (1977) and at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (1978). From 1971-78 he was jointly appointed in Osgoode Hall Law School and the Division of Social Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently Senior Lecturer in the School of Law, University of Warwick, England. He is an associate editor of this Journal.