Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law

Prior to 1981 this Journal was named:










About the Contributors | text |


The Role of the Judiciary in the Governmental Process: Ghana's Experience.  [Pages 4-30]

       A.N.E. Amissah| article (pdf) |


Notes Towards a Theory of Law and Ideology: Tanzanian Perspectives. [Pages 31-105]

       Yash P. Ghai | article (pdf) |


The Ghana Legal Profession: The Natural History of a Research Project.  [Pages 106-144]

        Robin Luckham | article (pdf) |


The Work of Rural Primary Courts in Ghana and Kenya.  [Pages 145-154]

        Peter Sevareid | article (pdf) |



Book Reviews


Robert Martin, Personal Freedom and the Law in Tanzania

(1974).  [Pages 155-156]

        Julio Menezes | review (pdf) |


Trevor Bell, Industrial Decentralization in South Africa (1973).  [Pages 156-162]

        Ann Seidman | review (pdf) |


Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Emile A.B. van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal (ed.), Disparity Between Law and Social Reality in Africa (1975).  [Pages 162-168]

        Francis G. Snyder | review (pdf) |


Barbara E. Harrell-Bond and Ulrica Rijnsdorp, Family Law in Sierra Leone: a research report (1975).  [Pages 168-172]

        Robert J. Mundt | review (pdf) |


Richard L. Sklar, Corporate Power in an African State: The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia (1975).  [Pages 172-175]

        Simbi V. Mubako | review (pdf) |



Briefly Noted


Colin Baker and M. Balogun (eds.), Ife Essays in Administration (1975).

W. Clifford, An Introduction to African Criminology (1974).

Adebayo Adedeji and Goran Hyden (eds.), Developing Research on African Administration: Some Methodological Issues (1974).

Jacques Vanderlinden, An Introduction to the Sources of Contemporary African Laws - Independent Sub-Saharan African (1975).

Philip M. Mbithi and Carolyn Barnes, The Spontaneous Settlement Problem in Kenya (1975).

J.A.M. Khumalo. Civil Practice and Procedure in all Bantu Courts in Southern Africa (no date).

Bennie Goldin and Michael Gelfand, African Law and Custom in Rhodesia (1975).

E.K. Lumley, Forgotten Mandate: A British District Officer in Tanganyika (1976).  [Pages 176-187]

        Richard L. Abel | reviews (pdf) |



News and Notes


Ethiopia: Post-Revolution Law Reform (Harrison C. Dunning)




Ghana (S.K. Date-Bah)




Summer Law Program



© African Law Association in America, Inc., 1976
